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DFMStream™ Overview

DFMStream™ is a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use tool suite designed to help engineers and designers verify design and manufacturing rules on PCB design databases, Gerber and NC data any time during the PCB design cycle. DFMStream also fosters collaboration between you and your fabricator.

Placement/Routing DFM Analysis

Netlist/Layer/Design Comparisons

Batch Rule/Process Reuse

CAM File Generation

DFM Report/Feedback

CAM File Verification

Automating the Documentation Process

PCB designs that pass standard design rule verification within the PCB CAD system, may unknowingly contain critical flaws that derail an expedient transition to manufacturing and assembly. Commonly, the flaws are discovered prior to production when design data is being processed for PCB manufacturing or assembly. In many cases, these flaws result in costly time to market delays as designs are updated and reprocessed to address issues detected in pre-production.

While manufacturers are fully capable of addressing minor issues, their resolutions are rarely fed back into the source CAD data resulting in additional rounds of modifications on design respins. In worse case scenarios, design intent may unknowingly be sacrificed when the manufacturer alters your source design files prior to production.

There are an array of Design For Manufacturing (DFM) solutions to analyze a design for potential flaws. Most are available only to companies with surplus budgets and dedicated staff. For the average Engineer with limited resources and lack of DFM analysis tools, the only option is to hope for the best when transferring their design to PCB fabrication and assembly.

DFMStream is a powerful, yet easy to use suite of manufacturing analysis tools that are both comprehensive and affordable.   DFMStream is designed for engineers and designers who appreciate the benefits of  manufacturing analysis and want to conduct it in a robust environment, with ease during any phase of the PCB design process.  DFMStream supplies you with the best tools DownStream has to offer for fast, thorough DFM analysis.

DFMStream can be implemented for a fraction of the annual software maintenance contract typically assessed for more expensive DFM solutions.  This enables engineering organizations to outfit entire design teams with DFMStream ultimately reducing engineering costs, staffing and bottlenecks when assimilating design data into manufacturing cheap Tag Heuer .

DFMStream analysis will identify design content with the potential to result in low manufacturing or assembly yields, or costly scrap. Use DFMStream’s analysis tools to identify:

  • Less than minimal spacing between design objects including pads, tracks, copper, drills, vias of all types including blind, buried, laser and back drilled.

  • Less than minimal annular rings of pad, copper, or mask.

  • Less than minimal spacing between SMD or Through hole pads or parts.

  • Copper and mask slivers and pin holes.

  • Acid traps, solder bridge potential, isolated or starved thermal reliefs or trace antennas.

  • Minimal mask spacing, Missing paste, missing solder mask, extra mask areas, or poor mask to pad ratios.

  • Overlapping, coincidental or redundant drills, mill path errors and poor drill to board thickness ratio.

  • And many other error types

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